
Posts Tagged ‘OCS WMI Reference’

OCS installs a set of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) classes that expose a wealth of information on everything from global settings about an OCS deployment, OCS user settings, or configuration information about a particular server. These classes can be used to programmatically gather configuration information, manage an OCS environment, and automate administrative tasks using a Windows Scripting Host language or Powershell.

The WMI classes that are installed with the OCS Administrative Tools and Server Roles are part of the Office Communications Server Management API.  Below I provide a handy reference to the most useful MSDN OCS WMI information.  Note:  R2 = OCS 2007 R2; R1 = OCS 2007.

Description OCS 2007 R2 OCS 2007
OCS WMI Reference Portal

Start here if you are unfamiliar with the WMI classes.


OCS WMI Class Reference

A complete reference to all the available classes and their respective details.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd146501(office.13).aspx  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb680173.aspx
WMI Class Management Scopes and Roles (*)

What classes are available on which server roles (or admin tools installation), and what scope a class has.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd130068(office.13).aspx  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb680173.aspx
WMI Error Messages

 What specific error codes mean (which can be difficult because of the WMI provider architecture).


* Note: Practically speaking, the class scope affects your ability to use the class in two ways:

  1. The WMI class might only be available on a particular machine (server role), meaning your script will need to remotely connect to that machine to get access to it. If there is a “*” in the Admin column, you need to connect remotely to the machine.
  2. You need the appropriate access rights to a particular scope if it is a Singleton.  For example, if your script is running in a child domain, and a particular class is can only have one instance in the Global scope (AD), the user running your script needs permissions to access to the parent AD domain.

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