
Posts Tagged ‘OCS Powershell’

At the heart of OCS administration is enabling or disabling a particular user for OCS 2007 and setting various features (a.k.a. provisioning a user).  This can be done through the OCS Administrative Console, but many administrators ask how to do it through the command line so that this functionality can be integrated with existing provisioning processes.

In a nutshell you have 3 options:

1) Use a Windows Script (e.g. VBScript or JavaScript/JScript)
2) Use the OCS 2007 Resource Kit Script (LCSEnableConfigureUsers.wsf)
3) Use Microsoft Powershell

I explore these 3 options below which all make use of WMI under the covers to set the “Enabled” property on the OCS user in Active Directory.

You can also use any of these options to provision other OCS user attributes from the command line.  For example, the “EnabledForEnhancedPresence” property controls whether the user is enabled for Enhanced Presence.
Note: this post focuses on OCS user provisioning through the command line. OCS also has broader administrative capabilities through the command line.  The OCS R2 Command Line Reference Document and the OCS 2007 Command Line Reference Document covers the scope and details.

Important Prerequisites for all Options:

  1. All options require the OCS WMI class MSFT_SIPESUserSetting be available locally. The OCS Administrative Tools installs this WMI class and is an important pre-requisite.
  2. You should run these solutions with the appropriate permissions to access the Active Directory user objects. The user you run as should be a member of the RTCUniversalUserAdmins group.
  3. These options assume that the underlying AD user object has been created and the user has been provisioned for OCS (e.g. SIP address created).  The scripts are setting an OCS AD attribute to enable or disable the user; not creating the actual AD object and provisioning it.

Option 1: Using a Script (e.g. VBScript or JavaScript/JScript)

I’ve put together a sample VBScript to enable or disable a single OCS user.  Set the g_userURI and g_OCSEnableUser variables accordingly. You can use the guts of this script to easily do it for a batch of users (i.e. read a list of users from a file).

WScript.Echo “Starting”

g_userURI = “sip:someTestUser@SIPDomain.com”

g_OCSEnableUser = True

‘ Connect to a WMI object
Set wmiServer = CreateObject(“WbemScripting.SWbemLocator”).ConnectServer()

‘ Get the SIP User
Query = “SELECT * FROM MSFT_SIPESUserSetting where PrimaryURI = ‘” & g_userURI & “‘”

Set OCSUsers = wmiServer.ExecQuery(Query)

If ( IsEmpty(OCSUsers) Or OCSUsers.Count = 0) Then
   WScript.Echo “No matching SIP user was found.”
   For each OCSUser in OCSUsers            
    PrimaryURI = OCSUser.PrimaryURI
    HomeServerDN = OCSUser.HomeServerDN
    UserDN = OCSUser.UserDN

    ‘ Wscript.Echo “URI: ” & PrimaryURI & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & HomeServerDN & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & UserDN

    OCSUser.Enabled = g_OCSEnableUser

    OCSUser.Put_ 0     ‘ 0 for create or update

    If Err = 0 Then
       WScript.Echo “Operation Successfull”
       WScript.Echo “Detected an error”
    End If
End If

Option 2: Using an OCS 2007 Resource Kit Script

The kit includes a windows script file called LCSEnableConfigureUsers.wsf, which contains VBScript that uses WMI to batch enable or disable users for OCS.

The script requires 2 input files: one file containing a list of users to enable or disable (specified with their SIP or distinguished names), and another file with the corresponding OCS user settings.

These files require some time and effort to set up, so this option is best for big batch operations. The Resource Kit ReadMe contains good information on prerequisities and permissions expected for this script.

Option 3: Using Microsoft PowerShell

Microsoft PowerShell is a powershell scripting environment that comes with a WMI provider that can be used to manage OCS. You can download Powershell 1.0 here: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/technologies/management/powershell/download.mspx.

Once installed, you can easily script a solution to enable/disable OCS users.

To get a list of OCS Enabled users, you can simply issue the command:
    > get-wmiobject -class msft_sipesusersetting | ForEach-Object { $_.Enabled = true}

To enable a particular SIP user for OCS:
    >   get-wmiobject -class MSFT_SIPESUserSetting | where-object { $_.PrimaryURI -eq “sip:userid@SIPDomain” } | % { $_.Enabled = $True; $_.put() | out-null }

Note: the “%” is a Powershell shorthand alias for ForEach-Object.
There is also a nifty GUI available to help create, manage and run Powershell scripts: PowerGUI (www.powerGUI.org). I created an OCS Powerpack last has this functionality and a whole lot more: http://www.powergui.org/entry!default.jspa?categoryID=21&externalID=1926&fromSearchPage=true.

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